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Open platforms

IDPs Mapping in Somalia
Masae leveraged satellite imagery, open source layers and field data to develop a platform that describes internally displaced persons (IDPs) and their host communities in all: spatial distribution, demographics, vulnerabilities, access to infrastructure, clan / ethnical compositions, etc.

Alliance Sahel Dashboard
The Alliance Sahel portfolio represents a commitment of nearly €17 billion, for the 5 countries of G5 Sahel. Masae developed a database structure, data import procedures and a data visualisation dashboard to store and display analyses of the portfolio and results data

CICO Agents (Demo)
Masae designed a web platform mapping CICO agents to help mobile money stakeholders optimize resource allocation and planning. An essential component of the platform is a search tool with "minimum population" and "minimum distance to agent" parameters to detect settlements within white spots that need CICO services.

AFD Minka Dashboard
AFD Minka Middle East is a €409 million fund, implemented in 36 projects (49 implementing partners) in 4 countries (Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey). Masae Analytics organises, collects and represents monitoring and learning information on this fund through a web platform

Energy Access (Demo)
Off-grid electricity solutions providers need to target unelectrified areas, with high population density and purchasing power. Masae brings together granular infrastructure & sociodemographics geo-referenced data on interactive maps to help off-grid industry players target high-potential zones for activity development
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